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We want to help you with “organizational discipleship.” Most of us became pastors and leaders for one reason: to see lives and communities transformed. But leading an organization is a whole other skill set. Download these free pdfs to sharpen your leadership edge. And check out our articles/enewsletter: elementals...for our weekly leadership tips!

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Successful leaders—and the organizations they lead—share four unique qualities that create health, effectiveness, and forward momentum. Discover them here in this 12-page summary of Elemental Leaders !


“A lot of leadership books rehash things that others have written; Elemental Leaders actually brings a fresh approach that I really enjoyed. Dave Workman has many years of experience as a successful pastor, coach, and consultantand it shows. I think you’ll benefit from his insights.”​


Dave Frederick, President, Leaders Book Summaries,

Developing "leaders of leaders" is a challenge for any church. In this 6-page exploration of how effective delegation works, we take an in-depth look at the "Delegation Spectrum"...from Domination to Abdication to true Empowerment.

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growing church

What do visitors experience when they visit your weekend church services? This 5-page article describes 5 "intangibles" that determine the "vibe" your church gives. Regardless the size or stripe of your church, these universal values define the atmosphere of your worship services.


Grants are a significant source of funding for many not-for-profit organizations. Grant funds can be used to expand your existing programs, launch new initiatives, and inspire your donors to give even more. But grant-writing is a complex process, and the competition is fierce.

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healthy churches

This 12-page article explores the role of church boards from a Biblical and practical perspective. Board leadership naturally changes as a church grows--is it time to redefine the purpose and calling of your board?

Every healthy and effective church has four critical traits. Ensuring they are balanced and active in their churches is a "leadership challenge". Discover these elements in this 7-page overview from the Elemental Churches Field Guide, part of the Elemental Churches Inventory.

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church growth ideas

Tackling the first of the four elements of healthy and effective churches, this 6-page report describes "organizational integrity" and why it's critical for every church. Portions are excerpted from the Elemental Churches Field Guide, part of the Elemental Churches Inventory.

Every successful leader we’ve known had a fire in their belly for a mission that ignited in others a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. Passion is absolutely critical for any organization. Explore not just why but how in this 5-page overview.

build churches
ways to grow a church

When Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45), he was downloading the operating system of the Church. How well have we discipled the people in our communities to function like that?

This often overlooked element from the Elemental Church Inventory is  Imagination. Imagination refers to the “change capacity” of a church. Churches that struggle with changes in methodologies will have limited success in reaching a rapidly shifting world.

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